Success starts at the beginning of a project. To take the right decisive steps at this important stage, Tunnelsoft brings along practical experience with approved tunnelling technologies and applications from its numerous successful past projects.
Pipe Jacking | Hamburg, Germany
Pipe-jacking in two sections of 600m (1,969ft) and 800m (2,625ft) in length and in depths of up to 25 m (82ft). Reinforced concrete pipes with an internal diameter of 1.80m (5.91ft). TPC 24/7 alarm system installed with fibreglass optics to protect an existing active sewer in close range.
Pipe Jacking | Cologne, Germany
Multi-utility tunnel under the river Rhine. 650 m long curved pipe-jacking project with an ID of 2.8 m (9.2 ft). System with real-time friction factor calculation for all tunnel sections.
Hard Rock | Caraguatatuba, Brazil
Gas pipeline. 5.0 km (3.1 mi) long dead-end tunnel for a gas pipeline, excavated by a Wirth Double-Shield-TBM with an OD of 6.19 m (20.3 ft).
Pipe Jacking | Stade, Germany
Reconstruction of an over-aged culvert undercrossing the River Schwinge. Shield propulsion approx. 100 m (328 ft) of length in 13 m depth, 11 m below groundwater level. Pipe-jacking DN 1000 (3.28 ft) using air pressure in fine and medium sands.
Hard Rock | Sydney, Australia
Light rail tunnels. Approx. 15 km (9.3 mi) length of twin railway tunnels with OD 7 m (23.0 ft), excavated by 4 NFM Double Shield Hard-Rock-TBMs. Integration of additional equipment.
Pipe Jacking | Luxembourg
Construction of a collector for wastewater and rainwater in Luxembourg City. The project includes 4 pipe drives DN 1800 (5.9 ft). The 4 sections are driven out of 3 pits with various approach heights. The invert is 6 and 11 m deep.
Hard Rock | Ried, Austria
Construction of headrace tunnel with a length of 23.2 km (14.4 mi), excavated by two Robbins double shield machines with an outer diameter of 6.4 m (21 ft). Integration of additional components like wear module and segment tracking.
Pipe Jacking | Hamburg, Germany
Collector for wastewater and rainwater in downtown Hamburg. The project includes 3 pipe drives DN 1600 (5.2 ft) and 1 pipe drive DN 1800 (5.9 ft) of 370 m (1,214 ft) altogether.
Hard Rock | New York, USA
Deep 4,000 m (2.5 mi) long segmentally lined bypass tunnel under the Hudson River conveying more than half of New York City’s drinking water.
Hard Rock | Vienna, Austria
14.4km (9mi) long twin tube railway tunnel in the Apennine mountains (approx. 9km (5.6mi) TBM bored). The tunnel is part of the Baltic-Adriatic railway corridor and is one of the most important large-scale infrastructure projects in Central Europe.
Hard Rock | Between Austria and Italy
Central lot of the BBT, a railway tunnel through the base of the Eastern Alps. Three tubes, one service tunnel and two running tunnels, each about 15km long (9.3mi), excavated by three hard rock double shield TBMs with diameters 6.82m and 10.70m.
Pipe Jacking | Berlin, Germany
654 m-long (2,146 ft), 3.80 m (12.5 ft) diameter, combined sewer owerflow tunnel to capture up to 7,000 m3 of wastewater during heavy rainfalls.
Hard Rock | Sydney, Australia
15.5 km-long (9.6 mi) twin railway tunnels, extending the Metro Northwest line from Chatswood, through the city center, to Sydenham, excavated by 5 double shield hard rock gripper machines.
Pipe Jacking | Mannheim, Germany
400 m-long (0.2 mi) tunnel with a diameter of 4.1 m (13.5 ft) built at a depth of about 12 m (39.4 ft) below a riverbed, within a geology dominated by a mixture of sand and gravel.
Hard Rock | Norway
Excavation of 7.9km (4.9mi) long head- and tailrace tunnels 200km in south of the arctic circle to upgrade an existing power plant. Tunnel drive by a Robbins Main Beam TBM with an outer diameter of 7.2m (23,6ft). Extensive installation to support research purposes.
Pipe Jacking | Essen, Germany
612 m-long (0.3 mi) reconstruction of a culvert at a sensitive location within a water protection area. A body of water, a railway track as well as a bridge construction are underpassed.
Pipe Jacking | Hamburg, Germany
Line gallery pipe driving at a total depth of 20 m (66 ft) beneath a highway. The concrete pipeline with a diameter of 1.5 m (4.9 ft) carries more than20 single lines for water, sewerage, gas, electricity and telecommunication.
Pipe Jacking | Munich, Germany
Intra-urban sewage pipe driving DN 3000 (9.8 ft) with a length of 1,200 m (1.3 ft) and jacking shafts close to buildings.
Pipe Jacking | Essen, Germany
900 m-long (0.6 mi) sewage pipeline with a diameter of 2.6 m (8.5 ft). The geology is dominated by saprolite.
Pipe Jacking | Magdeburg, Germany
66 m-long (217 ft) tunnel with a diameter of 0.89 m (2.9 ft).
EPB | Seattle, WA, USA
Highway tunnel, downtown Seattle. Replacement for the SR 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct. 1 x 3.2 km (2 mi) long tunnel with an outer diameter of 17.52 m (57.5 ft). Machine type is a Hitachi-Zosan EPB-TBM
EPB | Doha, Qatar
Metro Doha. Construction of a 27 km (16.8 mi) long metro line with six Herrenknecht EPB-TBMs with a diameter of 7.2 m (23 ft). Parallel monitoring of all TBMs with one system.
EPB | Seattle, WA, USA
Double track light railway tunnel. 5.2 km (3.2 mi) in length with OD of 6.7 m (22 ft). Two EPB-TBMs (Robbins and Hitachi Zosan). Extensive additional shaft equipment integrated.
Mixshield | Suez, Egypt
2,674 m-long (1.7 mi) road tunnel under the Suez Canal, excavated by a 13.1 m (43 ft) diameter Slurry TBM. The tunnel has two lanes of traffic, one in each direction, and connects the Asian Sinai Peninsula to the African mainland.
Mixshield | Fort Wayne, IN, USA
8 km-long (5 mi) CSO tunnel, constructed in the bedrock more than 61 m (200 ft) below the city of Fort Wayne, to collect and convey CSO from eight locations along the St. Mary and Maumee Rivers.
Mixshield | Humber Undercrossing, UK
5.03 km-long (3.1 mi) segmentally lined tunnel for a 1.22 m diameter steel gas transmission pipeline undercrossing the Humber Estuary between Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. The link carries between 70-100 million m3 per day of imported and stored gas from the Easington facility.
Mixshield | Ismailia, Egypt
Two 3,187 m (2 mi) long road tunnels with 10.8 m (35 ft) diameter reaching 48 m (157 ft) depth connecting the Sinai Peninsula to the Egyptian mainland.
Mixshield | Singapore
Tunnel excavation for Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL) Contract T208. 2 x 4.4 km (2 x 2.7 mi) long metro tunnels, excavated by 3 NFM Slurry-TBMs with an OD of 6.6 m (21.7 ft). TPC-System with muck count module.
Slurry | Karlsruhe, Germany
Combined light rail- and rail tunnel. 2,050 m Slurry-TBM drive excavated by a Herrenknecht shield with an outer diameter of 9.3 m (30.5 ft). Software focus on notification system.
Slurry | Berlin, Germany
Metro tunnels. Two tunnel tubes with approximately 1.6 km (5,250 ft) in length and an outer diameter of 6.67 m (21.9 ft), excavated by Herrenknecht Slurry TBM. Flexible installation to move from one shield to the next.
Slurry | London, UK
High speed railway link. 2 x 2.6 km (2 x 1.6 mi) long twin tunnels crossing the Thames River with two Slurry-TBMs with an OD of 8.15 m (26.7 ft). Active steering of the face support pressure.
EPB | Washington D.C., USA
Sewer overflow control tunnel. 3.9 km (2.4 mi) in length with an outer diameter of 7.6 m (24.9 ft) and excavated with a Herrenknecht EPB-TBM.
With extended shaft structures and extensive geotechnical measurements.
EPB | Copenhagen, Denmark
Twin tubes with a total length of 32 km (19.9 mi) and an outer diameter of 5.78 m (18.9 ft), excavated by four (4) SELI EPB-TBMs. Complete installation including segment tracker.
EPB | Washington D.C., USA
Sewer overflow control tunnel. 7.4km (4.6mi) in length with an outer diameter of 8m (26ft). Excavated by a Herrenknecht EPB-TBM. Geotechnical alarm system and customized website information.
EPB | Florence – Bologna, Italy
A1 Highway tunnels, between Florence and Bologna. 2.5 km (1.6 mi) long twin tunnels with an OD of 15.55 m (51 ft), excavated by a Herrenknecht EPB-TBM. Integration of extensive gas monitoring with 24/7 alarm system.
EPB | Biel, Switzerland
Highway tunnel. East bypass tunnel excavated by a 12.56 m (41.2 ft) Herrenknecht EPB-TBM. Tunnel length 2 x 1.5 km (2 x 0.93 mi) and 2 x 2.5 km (2 x 1.6 mi).
EPB | Thessaloniki, Greece
New Metro. Construction of 15 stations and two subway tunnels, excavated by 2 Herrenknecht EPB-TBMs. Tunnel length 2 x 7.5 km (2 x 4.7 mi) and an OD of 6.2 m (20.3 ft).
EPB | Auckland, NZ
Outfall tunnel. 3.0 km (1.9 mi) long tunnel with an OD of 3.35 m (11 ft) and excavated by a Lovat EPB-TBM.
EPB | Auckland, NZ
Main Sewer and Storage Tunnel. 2.9 km (1.8 mi) long sewage tunnel with OD of 4.3 m (14.1 ft), excavated by a Lovat EPB-TBM.
Slurry | Hamburg, Germany
X-ray laser tunnels. 11 tunnels with length ranging from 141 m (463 ft) to 2,010 m (6,595 ft). Total length 5.8 km (3.6 mi), excavated by two Herrenknecht Slurry-TBMs, OD 5.48 m (18 ft) and 6.17 m (20.2 ft).
Hard Rock | Stockholm, Sweden
The Anneberg-Skanstull Tunnel is part of the City Link project and improves the electricity supply in the greater Stockholm area. The tunnel, which has a diameter of about 5 m (16.4 ft), is 14 km (3.1 mi) long and located 50 (164 ft) to 100 m (328 ft) below ground level.